The things about me...

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Seattle, Washington, United States
He alone can fulfill me. He alone do I love. He alone is my Savior. I love life. Most of it at least. I blog about the little non-essential things that make life better, if you take the time to recognize it. I love my friends, and family, and Jesus more.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Stubborn Mind, is a selfish mind

Don`t hesitate to speak Your Mind… (speak Your Mind)
Never hesitate to speak Your Heart… (speak Your Heart)
They`ll call You crazy, When You speak Your Mind… (When You speak Your Mind)
So never, Never hesitate… (never hesitate

Sang by the ever great Brett Dennen

Speaking your mind.
Amendment 1: Freedom of religion, speech, press, and assembly; the right to petition the government.

Do we forget that we have a voice?
Do we forget that we have the freedom to speak our minds?
Not in anyway to impose upon other peoples beliefs, but we do have a right.

Often I get scared, intimidated to speak my mind to others.
Most often about my faith, those whom I work with, play with, fellowship with.
Recently I've gotten the privilege to speak with others about my thoughts, and beliefs. People whom I don't necessarily get the chance to speak to about such things. And even though there was no divine revelation to anyone, I feel good about what I said. And with saying it, I feel more empowered to speak my mind more often. I don't like talking religion. I don't like talking about politics,world issue, latest diets, fashion trends, ect. Things that don't really add up in the end. However, i do like to connect with people. But not to connect to agree with them, but to connect to understand one another. My conversation with people needs to be more open. I'm learning that just because I was raised to think a certain way, or speak a certain way, means that I have to act that way. You will never reach anyone if you come across thinking that you are/know better than them. You can't.
The ways of approaching someone is selflessly. You can have a pre-determinded mindset, but allow others opinions make you think. Its good for exercising your own belief. We get stuck in one way soooo often. It starts to blind out the others around us. We are then stuck with a single notion, and I'm finding, is often not a right one.
If we are willing to listen, learn from others around us, we will be able to be more of an impact later. Our pre-determind judgments on others are also a big no-no.
By forcing our thoughts, and ways on one another will not establish peace or justice. We have to learn to embrace one another in love. Not embrace one another with the notion that "I can make them see like me". As soon as you get that out of your head, the easier speaking your mind to others will be.
Be forgiving when you speak, learn to listen, not to reply.

In the end I have found that what i believe certainly isn't what others do. But does not mean that I shouldnt be friends with them, or talk to them. You may not come to a general consensus on things, but learning to listen to someone else, just for the sake of listening is a beautiful thing. For once try to be the one that has nothing back to say...Be open minded about what is being said to you. Be considerate of others.

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