The things about me...

My photo
Seattle, Washington, United States
He alone can fulfill me. He alone do I love. He alone is my Savior. I love life. Most of it at least. I blog about the little non-essential things that make life better, if you take the time to recognize it. I love my friends, and family, and Jesus more.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


How in the World did all this time fly by sooo fast!
A year ago I was waltzing around in the Yorkshire Dales in England.
And now I'm here in America...doing nothing! Haha, or rather I feel like it.
Fall is here and it is so very beautiful :)
I missed the Pacific Northwest fall last year. The way the Sumac, and the maple trees leaves turned orange, and yellow first. While all the evergreen
Such a beautiful combination. I got plenty of rain over the pond. Didn't miss that one bit! But I did get all nostalgic about how when it rains, no matter where I am, I think of Seattle.

Life here in Seattle has changed, and I will admit is weird and hard to adjust.
My life of lately has been busy, crazy, hectic. I'm still working at Tully's and moving onto Lead Barista. But along with working 30hrs a week with Tully's, I'm also nannying for my brother and sister. My sweet baby nephew Kai, who turns 3 months next week! My how time flies...But that takes up another 30 hrs of my week. So I feel like I don't have much time for myself...But I know I need and can make more time as well. I'm moved into the new house with Andrew, and my Dad. It looks great! Its weird to be away from the Lake after all the years, but the forest behind the house is a nice change. Maile and my Mom are on the East side most of the time. Someone needs to take care of the house on that side, so my parents commute. ALOT.
Makela has moved out and in with Sam and Jen. So now I will see even less of her now. But hopefully once she gets engaged we'll get to spend more quality sister time together! So many things have changed this past two months...haha I have a boyfriend now too :) Old, old friend from middle school. Long story, but sweet. Life is good, and weird at the same time.

I got a phone call from a friend whose going to be helping me in my home-made soap making ventures. And also have another friend who is gonna teach me how to sew. I have a huge list of things that I'd like to get done this fall, or rather attempt to do at all! I want to start canning alot more as well. Painting and writing more is a must as well. I hope to get out and explore the NW alot more this fall. As this may be my last one here...There's so much that I have yet to see. I've been here 5 years now, and have little to show for the things i've done and places I've been.
But still...i've got 5 months to do things! This month is almost already flown by...I wish time would truly, really, stand still for a moment. Only to let me catch up! But time moving fast is a good thing at the same time. No one truly likes to be sedentary.

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