The things about me...

My photo
Seattle, Washington, United States
He alone can fulfill me. He alone do I love. He alone is my Savior. I love life. Most of it at least. I blog about the little non-essential things that make life better, if you take the time to recognize it. I love my friends, and family, and Jesus more.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

New Arcade Fire is sweeeet!!

Just go check this link. Its aaahmazing :D

Peace, love and Goodnight!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Dress looks nice on you.

Kinda forgot I had a blog for like...6 months!!
But once again, I'm sorry world for forsaking you...

Ahem, so my life? How's it been thus far and so forth?
Errrm, good. I think. How does working full-time, and planning/participating
in two weddings, as a maid of honor, both within 6 days of each other sound??
Yeah, so when I say that I'm good after the fact, then well I should be best as can be, right? Just be glad that I didn't blog at all in the meantime. Or there would have been some interesting, and possibly entertaining posts. Maybe it would have been a good thing, I dunno.
However, now I'm here. Where doth thou go now?
I dunno. Haha but in all honesty am not too worried.
How will my summer play out? I'm not sure but am confident and secure that it will be a good one. I will be moving in with Sam and Jen, now that Makela is married and moved on! and whoa, talk about weirdness...we are one Kaleohano down now...sad.
But I've gained an amazing brother!! And his family, which is incredible. I should be packing right now, but instead wanted to just write. My heart is all a-flutter these days. Things are strange and confusing. But most often that tends to just be me working/thinking through these things. Currently there is a an over-powering smell of lilies in my house. I bouught them last week, unbloomed? and now they seem to be full blown and potent. May be my cause for sinus reactions? Yes Indeed.
I will be traveling to New York in July with my good friend Dane. Yes, so excited for some HIP (as we call each other, cuz we should always be attatched at the hip) time!! I'm really hoping to see Tyler and Olivia while I'm out on the east coast. I need to see some good faces that I love and adore! And am also looking forward to some quatlity down time, and vacation for once! much has gone on these last few months. Words cannot describe how I've felt. I want a new surrounding so bad. I need a change. And yet I know that the change I need most, is the change that needs to happen within me. I hate this feeling. I really do. I'll be visiting Boston while I'm out there as well. A place that I've always thought I'd fall in love with and someday move too. Not sure what else I'll be doing for sure this summer, but only time will tell. Where else should I travel too? Ideas would be greatly appreciated. Blessings!